New Barrel for Rocket Mass Heater/Forge

I got a new barrel for my Rocket Mass Heater/Forge (RMH/F) from my neighbor. The new barrel is over 10 times bigger then the old one. This should give me a performance improvement. The current barrel is too small to work, really. There is no room for the insulated heat riser they need to work. …

1000 posts!

A big milestone, that’s for sure, 1000 posts. Granted, this is cheating a little, as it’s counting the twitter summaries as posts, but still…. 1000 posts! I only have 6 ‘drafts’ that are partially completed, so this post could have come a bit sooner. I’ve been blogging for over 5 years now. I still …

Isabella has a barn, e-i-e-i-o

Sing with me! Good thing my carpentry is better than my singing. Today I didn’t get around to any blacksmithing, but I think I have a pretty good excuse! My pallet started looking like a barn today. I kicked around the plexi roof and after a bit of trial fitting, decided it would work quite …

My first try at blacksmithing

Today I started my hand at blacksmithing. A friend came over and we pretended we knew what we where doing. It was an absolute blast! We used up two 10 lbs bags of charcoal, and made a railroad spike knife, a bit of a trivet, and some coat hooks. I only got burned maybe 3-4 …

Recycled pallet composter

My wife started raking leaves in the back yard today. I figured that means I ought to make the composter I’ve been talking about making for a while now. I’ve accumulated 3 regular pallets and one long ‘double’ pallet in the last year. This is also a chance to use my tools. I love my …

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