Almost all packed.

Well, I am almost all packed.
The Peterson’s came over and did a LOAD packing. 5 of them, probably about 4 hours. Yeah, without their help, I wouldn’t have been packed this time tomorrow.


I have a little bit of packing to do tomorrow, the computer and a few little things. I also have to break the fish tank down and get that road-ready.

The plan is to leave at noon so we hit Atlanta tomorrow night around 7pm. Trying to avoid rush hour traffic. Probably keep driving till we are on the other side of Nashville before we stop. Leaving at 7am would put us into Elgin around 3pm or so.

Unpack a little on Friday, Finish on Saterday. Drive around a little bit. Sunday really early, drop Katie off at the air port for her flight back.

Work on Monday.

You ever push and pull on something and expect it to move?

Well, it’s finally lunch time for me. I had to work for an hour and a half on a problem at my new job today.

I moved the ‘electronics hutch’ into the truck by myself. Let me tell you, I don’t think I will do that again anytime soon. When I bought it, it took both Katie and I to unload it out of my Escape.

I used some short 2x4s to lever it up onto the moving dollys I have. Then I double checked, I can’t go up the ramp with the 2 large ones sideways. Darn, rotate one, take one out, replace it with a small one.

 I rigged up some rope to the moving dolly so I can push from behind and pull from up front.

 Here I have the hutch in it’s ready, moving position. You can also see the gear I used to move it with. It would have been a funny video to watch my struggle with this thing up the ramp.

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