My Bedroom

Here are the photos of my bedroom.
The fire burnt through my closet to get to my room. if you look at the outside pictures, you can see where the roof burnt away over my closet as well.
Andy climbed through the closet and rescued a few items for me.
My Grandfather’s war medals, the rack from the first buck I shot, and a few other items that I didn’t take with me when I went to college, and to Florida.
 My First computer is sitting there on the desk, as well as a few other’s that I had collected as peices for my future ‘museum’. Oh well.
 The bindings burnt off all of my books. I am not sure if these are going to get pulled out. It could be fun rebinding all of these books as hard covers.
 What would you call this? A Computcicle? Ice Cooling for overclockers?
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Water Damage

Most of the downstairs of the house didn’t suffer much fire damage.
It is suffering from a severe amount of ice. It fell below 0 degrees that night.
 Here is the dining room. The water came through the ceiling and coated everything in ice.
 Looking into the living room. Dad says that the gun cabinet is a loss. That really sucks as he has quite a story to tell with it.
 There are (were) pictures of me sitting in this rocking chair as a baby!
 The kitchen is quite a mess!
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Photographs of the house fire.

Tonight is the first night that I got to see any photos of the house in the daylight.
The upper half of the house looks to have basically burned to the floor. One room downstairs also got burned out, as it was the stairwell to the 2nd floor.
 Looking at the back of the house.

 The front view of the house.

 Here your standing just about at the front door of my parents room, looking through to the bathroom. If you where to lean forward and reach out, that is where Dad was sleeping when the fire started.

 This is the downstairs landing. All of mom’s genelogy documents where in this room. All of the original military records, limited print books, research notes, letters to family, gone.
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