Gas Milage for the Truck

Well, I did it this morning. I keyed in every gas receipt I have for the truck. It looks like I am only missing one.

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I have some interesting stats from this. I have spent over $2600 for nearly 1000 gallons of gas. I am averaging 22 MPG.

The cheapest I have paid for gas is $2.54 and the most expensive is $3.15.

My goal for this is to see if I can correlate better gas mileage to certain gas stations. Part of doing this will be to import driving habbits from my GPS data logger. Another project for another day.

Red Oak Bookshelves

 Well, I got a chance to basically finish up my shelves this weekend. I had a BFO and used my drill press to drill the pilot holes for the brackets into the shelves.
 Brother and Sister decided that they wanted to help hang the shelves! Brother felt he could best help by climbing in this here bag under the shelves, and Sister decided that she was best put to use by keeping him in the bag.

 Here is the shelving looking from the bedroom into the living room. The top shelves are level front to back as I still need to add a false stud into the wall so I have something to screw the brackets to.

 Here is the view from the living room into the bedroom. I like how the shelves ‘fade’ back as they go up. I was worried about how it would look, but I think it turned out ok. It emphasizes that the shelves are just floating there on the wall.

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