So, on Saturday, we got a bit of snow. 10 inches it sounds like. Here is my truck, on Saturday. I drove in this crap! Oh, the things one will do for the perfect wedding invitations! Here is my handywork today. I dug my way back home for lunch. I cut a channel through this snowbank so …
Category Archives: vehicle
I drove home in the snow last night. It was not exactly a good time. I thought the snow in the streetlight was pretty cool.
Hauling a cabinet.
Work was throwing out an old metal cabinet that the door fell off of. So, I helped them throw it out to my place.Now that it’s home, I am going to fix the broken door with half a dozen rivets, rivet up the non-broken side as well, and I now have a nice, tired, scratched, …
$2.17 for gas today in TF.
2.37 for gas.