Yesterday morning, I woke up to snow! I guess winter is here

I am not quite ready for it yet, but I am not in that bad of a way all things considered. I've not tried to fire up the snow blower for the year, but I do have new snow tires. The shed has a roof, but no door. I have a new barrel for the …

New fish in a new tank in the library are doing surprisingly well

I thought the fish weren't doing so hot, but wasn't I in for a surprise. They laid eggs. Can't be hurting that bad if they are breeding. This tank will be running aquaponics shortly. The library is just off the kitchen, so I will be growing some kitchen herbs such as basil, and cilantro and …

I worked on my Settlers of Catan tiles last night

I posted about it too, but my phone appears to have eaten the post. I had cut the acrylic hexagon tiles on my table saw. I had to make up a jig to get them close to the right size and square. They aren't perfect, but they are playable. The printed photos are various photos …

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