This is what my coworkers daydream of Posted bymike July 30, 2013November 29, 2013 4 Comments on This is what my coworkers daydream of If it wasn't so funny, I'd say I work in a hostile work environment. View this post on Google+Related Posts:This basically is what I do every day at work...This in my Electronics Hutch in the LaBOREtoryI thought this was interestingCleaning up a WordPress DefacementDecember 1, 2011It's wonderful what happens when you help others
That's awesome, I need to know how you did that. Oh wait, you've been blown up, you can't answer. Sigh.
+Brian Gudauskas it was +Isiah Xiong 's work. He has an iPhone app that does that. "Action Movie FX".
Boom! Lunch is done.
That's awesome, I need to know how you did that. Oh wait, you've been blown up, you can't answer. Sigh.
Drone attack over Northern Illinois
+Brian Gudauskas it was +Isiah Xiong 's work. He has an iPhone app that does that. "Action Movie FX".