Ooze free unattended start
Normally plastic oozes from the nozzle during warm up due to thermal expansion and gravity. It is then necessary to prime the extruder by running it for a few seconds to fill up the now empty barrel. …
Huglekulture raised bed
So we made a raised bed using some horse manure I picked up with a friend and some firewood. I have great expectations for this bed next year. I expect it will work well enough this year.
I dug a bit of a hole so I had some top soil to cover the wood up with in a later step. I don’t know where my cable wire goes (somewhere in this area) so I didn’t want to go too deep.
We filled the hole with logs and sticks. Leftovers from a fire building demonstration I had done last fall. The tarp has the manure in it.
My assistant was having a blast with this build. She’s inspecting the cart we used to haul the manure tarp from the trailer.
It’s quite hard to tell little helpers that you can play with this dirt and not that dirt. The old manure was a little too green for me to allow for her to eat.
It's been a while since I've blogged my dinner, but that's because it's…
This evening I had pulled some carrots that I had planted last spring. They where just pencils last fall, so I didn't mess with them. Look at them now!
So I wanted something carroty for dinner.
So I tried some whiskey glazed carrots. http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/2008/10/whiskey-glazed-carrots-major-league-yum/ which where very good!
I also made some sort of carrot bread. http://leaklausen.weebly.com/2/post/2011/2/grovboller-med-spinat-og-gulerdder.html It's in Danish, and Google Translate made a passable go of it for me. I kinda winged it as I know what bread is supposed to be like.
It actually turned out pretty good. Not to-die-for-great, but good.
I'd make it again. All of it!
Carrot spinach bread dough. I think… It was pretty wet and the mixer didn’t want to bring it together with the dough hook.
RepRapped Soda Bottle Cutter
I tried a knife resting on a stack of books, and that worked pretty well, but not great. I ended up with an uneven edge on the cut edge.
So I designed and made a cutter!
This was a serious learning project for me. The first one I designed I got my diameter and radius confused, so I had something that was 8 inches across! The 2nd design came together much quicker.
It than took me 3 tries to get it printed!
The first try my filament roll got caught and the printer picked itself right up off of the table! It then stripped the plastic at the extruder gear and let itself back down.
The second try, the part popped off the build bed about 1/4 of the way through the print and made quite a birds nest before I caught this issue and stopped the print.
The 3rd print was a success! But just barely.
I am quite happy with how it cuts bottles. I could have just grabbed a scrap of wood and cut it off at the right height and screwed the blade on and been done in 4 minutes. Instead, I wanted to do the 4 hour print with 4 days of prep.
Print Details:
Designed in Google Sketchup
Printed on a MG Prusa
Slicer 7.1 /Pronterface .7?
.2mm layer height on 3mm natutal ABS with a .35mm nozzle
90 degree Celsius HBP for the successful print.
DOH! The part popped off the bed and kept trying to print a couple of layers before I had checked on it. Upped the bed temp 10 degrees and time to try again.
This is some serious overhang! It nearly wasn’t printable. I had to pause the print and push that edge down and let it cool flat a couple of times.