I can now 'blog' to my wordpress blog – http://http://mike.creuzer.com/topic/social-media/googleplus…

I can now 'blog' to my wordpress blog – http://http://mike.creuzer.com/topic/social-media/googleplus – from Google+ thanks to a plug-in created by +Daniel Treadwell . I tweaked the daylights out of his plug-in of course. I changed how the images are displayed, I hide G+ posts that I've re-shared (those don't belong on a blog), I made it so it won't blog G+ posts that point back to the blog (Recursive posting is a bad thing) (so it won't blog this post).

Lots of fun. So my blog all of a sudden got content again!

Yesterday morning, I woke up to snow! I guess winter is here. Posted by: mike in Google+. I am not quite ready for it yet, but I am not in that bad of a way all things considered. I’ve not tried t…


Yesterday morning, I woke up to snow! I guess winter is here

I am not quite ready for it yet, but I am not in that bad of a way all things considered. I've not tried to fire up the snow blower for the year, but I do have new snow tires. The shed has a roof, but no door. I have a new barrel for the Rocket Mass Heater/Forge for the garage, so I should be getting that fixed up this weekend.

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New fish in a new tank in the library are doing surprisingly well

I thought the fish weren't doing so hot, but wasn't I in for a surprise. They laid eggs. Can't be hurting that bad if they are breeding.

This tank will be running aquaponics shortly. The library is just off the kitchen, so I will be growing some kitchen herbs such as basil, and cilantro and lemon grass and the like.

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I worked on my Settlers of Catan tiles last night

I posted about it too, but my phone appears to have eaten the post.

I had cut the acrylic hexagon tiles on my table saw. I had to make up a jig to get them close to the right size and square. They aren't perfect, but they are playable.

The printed photos are various photos that are topical found using Google image search. I'd initially created the tiles using HTML and CSS3 transforms, but no browser will print the css3 transformed background images correctly. So, I had to code up a pdf to get the job done instead. So now I have a bit of code that takes a .csv file of the tile type (hexagon), the border color, and an image URL and it will provide a HTML preview and a PDF print file.

I cut the tiles and used polycrylic wood finish as my glue. Kinda a decoupage thing I guess.

It looks like when I got the pdf printed, the 'shrink to fit' option was selected, as my tiles are all too small. But this turned out I guess.

I rather like the finished effect.

Now to make the water tiles and all the rest of the pieces.

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