I got a little carried away tonight

I made about 3 dozen 'disposable' flint knapping pressure flakers. I say they are 'disposable' as they don't have an adjustable tip like a nice tool would. Once they wear out, they are junk. I made the handles several different lengths as a wide variety of people will be at the flint knapping session on Saturday.

If your in the Chicago area, you should check it out! http://www.primitivechicago.com/events/40223922/

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I made some tools for flint knapping last night

I completed half a dozen pressure flakers and one of my steel boppers.

I burned the bopper into the handle and bent over about 1/2 inch that came out the back side so it doesn't come loose. The first handle I only got it half way in before it cooled off and locked into place. I had to burn the handle off.

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Made some flint knapping tools today

Assembled some pressure flakers from a piece of dowel, bolts, and some twist hardened heavy gauge copper wire. I also made a couple of mild steel bopper heads. I don't know if these will work as most boppers are copper. Going to give it a try, if it works, I've a much cheaper way to make boppers that are much more durable than the copper ones. If it doesn't work, I've got a couple hours more practice at my blacksmithing.

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A fascinating thing happens when you put cloth into a can with a small nail in it……

A fascinating thing happens when you put cloth into a can with a small nail in it… Once the water is driven off, you can light the gas from the charring cloth. I made some charcloth tonight.

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