I even uploaded it to thingiverse! http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:19197
It took me a couple of tries to get it to export correctly out of Google Sketchup. I made it as a solid object and 'cheated' by printing it with no solid layers or infill so it just did the perimeter.
This is done in PLA (which is supposedly food safe) with 2 perimeter layers. It's a bit fragile, but if treated gently works well enough.
If I where to guess, i'd say this one cost me less than a buck to make, while the store bought ones are a couple of bucks to buy. They are sturdier than this one, but mine is a test so I made it 'cheap'.
I wanted to try the oval shaped top as I think round top funnels are never wide enough for me. It seemed to work well.