A friend of mine from college and her husband have created a pretty unique website – Parent Powered Vehicles. This site is unique in that it’s all about baby strollers and is targeted for the geeky dad type. There is a balance between the his/her viewpoint which is really cool, as it helps us ‘guys’ relate to what ‘she’ may want in a stroller.
On their website, they discuss different types of strollers and accessories and go over the pros and cons of each model. They are in New York City, and target that area specifically, which I found pretty interesting, because I didn’t realize how different stroller usage could be between a city like that and where I live.
They offer a Stroller Consultation Service where they learn about you and help you pick out a stroller that suites your needs. We spent about half an hour on the phone, and came up with a few recommendations during the phone call. Let me tell you, these people can totally get geeky with you if you want – we discussed force body diagrams when talking about Stroller Geometry!
About an hour after the phone call, I got an email with a specific model that was in my price range. My parents got us a model very similar to what was recommended, and I would have preferred the recommended model over what we got, now that I have used the stroller a few times.
If your looking into getting a stroller, check out Parent Powered Vehciles before you make a buying decision!
Just visited the site. ohhh… I like the bike/stroller! Unfortunately, don’t have the money for it… 😛