I stood up at a wedding last weekend with my oldest daughter as the flower girl.

I stood up at a wedding last weekend with my oldest daughter as the flower girl.I didn't take many photos, but here are a few of what I took. In album Reed Wedding The flower girl… Bella getting her hair done up the night before so she will be the prettiest flower girl in the …

I helped a friend run Cat5 and Coax cable today

It's a bit weird cutting into other people's walls. I had to make sure I got enough stuff done on MY honey-do list yesterday before I could go work on someone's project. We did good. Got the jacks done and it sounds like we may have even done it right! View this post on Google+ …

AtlAtl in the back yard

This last summer, I hosted a Primitive Skills Meetup in my backyard where we made AtlAtls, or spear throwers. It was a blast! I just found a video of it today, so that’s why this post is 6 months later. Untitled from Eric Michalsen on Vimeo. An AtlAtl is basically a stick that is used …

Elgin Technology Center Tour

Today I went on a tour of the Elgin Technology Center with some of the people from Fox Valley Computing Professionals. One of the guys I went with took some video. I thought it was funny that he makes it look so… I don’t know what the word is. elgin techology center from Eric Michalsen …


I went camping this weekend with some college buddies. We had a blast! The weather was good. A bit stormy driving up, and it rained pretty good the last night. One of the tents packed up that last night and cut out early. They always leave first thing the last day anyhow I am told, …

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