I stood up at a wedding last weekend with my oldest daughter as the flower girl.

I stood up at a wedding last weekend with my oldest daughter as the flower girl.
I didn't take many photos, but here are a few of what I took.

In album Reed Wedding

The flower girl…

Bella getting her hair done up the night before so she will be the prettiest flower girl in the morning.

Hamming it up for the camera.

I think he needed to keep the flowers for the wedding…

A groomsmen and the groom decorating the gazebo.

Flower boy? Not sure if the flower petals improve the photo or not.

White shoes, the only bare patch of dirt for a quarter mile… of course she is going to walk through it!

Flower girl and ring bearer.

Really… it’s wrong. What’s wrong with the water?

May I interest you in a glass of water?

Happy bride…


The bride

Tuckered out baby. Nap time!

Toss the Bouquet

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