My eldest and I made some wild Violet tincture from the flowers in the back yard…

My eldest and I made some wild Violet tincture from the flowers in the back yard this weekend. It's been 4 years since we bought the house, so whatever nasty gunk the priors may be sprayed in the yard ought to be dramatically reduced at this point.

Pick the flowers in the back yard as I mow with the new (to me) electric mower. Easier to find the flowers that way.

6 weeks before we can use it. I made a small jar for me, and a larger jar for a friend, the one I get my essential oils from.

In album Backyard Wildcrafting Violet Flower Tincture

One jar made, one jar to go. The bucket of flowers dispersed into the two jars.

My assistant. She thought it was lots of fun to make medicine from the back yard. Starting to talk about not eating things picked unless daddy is with and says it’s ok.

My assistant knocking the bubbles out of the tincture.

She likes the purple flowers.

The vodka is poured into the left, but not the right jar.

Pretty! I’ve read it will turn yellow to green in 6 weeks depending on the PH of the final product.

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