I’ve recently fallen in love with Raspberry Pi computers again. The discovery of MQTT and io.adafruit.com for data logging lead me to Node Red. Node Red is awesome! It’s like scratch programming for things! For example. My fridge is starting to have some issues. It wants to keep freezing everything in the fridge. It dials …
Category Archives: computing
I recently picked up a Seek Thermal camera which plugs into my cell phone and allows…
I recently picked up a Seek Thermal camera which plugs into my cell phone and allows me to see temperatures of stuff. It's a cheap unit, so it doesn't have the built in calibration tables that the expensive 'real' test equipment has. But it's good enough for most people's needs in a non-technical use. I …
Internet of Things Phone Smart Charger
I pre-ordered one of the Samsung Galaxy Note7 phones. The ones in the news recently for being an explosion hazard. I love the new phone – pocket computer really, the way I use it. I wasn’t about to give it up over some silly thing like spontaneous combustion. I had read that Tesla runs their …
I made a custom leather belt case for my custom wireless charging flip cased Galaxy…
I made a custom leather belt case for my custom wireless charging flip cased Galaxy Note Edge. It's been a fairly drawn out project getting the two cases made – from March until now. But the results are worth the effort. The main design goal was to not bend my phone when I sit on …
I few months back I bought a Galaxy Note Edge on eBay
It came with several case options which I would have never bought myself, but they are interesting. The one that I thought I wouldn't like but fell in love with is the flip-case. Granted, I was not fond of the white case, but the functionality was more than I would have expected. It just missed …
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