I’ve recently fallen in love with Raspberry Pi computers again. The discovery of MQTT and io.adafruit.com for data logging lead me to Node Red. Node Red is awesome! It’s like scratch programming for things! For example. My fridge is starting to have some issues. It wants to keep freezing everything in the fridge. It dials …
Tag Archives: fridge
1000 posts!
A big milestone, that’s for sure, 1000 posts. Granted, this is cheating a little, as it’s counting the twitter summaries as posts, but still…. 1000 posts! I only have 6 ‘drafts’ that are partially completed, so this post could have come a bit sooner. I’ve been blogging for over 5 years now. http://mike.creuzer.com/2006/01/blogging-just-a-fad.html I still …
Canned Goods storage
Just an idea for storing canned goods. I see that rack like they use for the Cambells Soup Selects at my local grocery store, and I want something like that for my kitchen. The basic idea is that the cans sit stacked up in a rack on their side, and you can put the new …