Tuning the training rate of a NeuralMesh ANN

I’ve been running a NeuralMesh Artificial Neural Network for about a week now. The point of it is for SPAM detection. I am feeding it 7 different  spam scores from the b8 baysian library. My 7 ‘aspects’ of email spam are: to from full from subject full subject header body I am using the To …

Artificial Neural Networks in PHP using NeuralMesh with Bayesian Inferencing using b8

I’ve been interested in Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for some time now. I guess it’s the whole binary doesn’t describe our world full of shades of gray very well thing that caught my attention. I’ve owned a book on the topic for a while now. C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic by …

Bayesian Presentation for Fox Valley Computer Professionals

I frequently give presentations on topics related to web development and related technologies. Tomorrow, I am going to be doing a presentation on Bayesian Statistical Inferencing for the Fox Valley Computer Professionals. This is the second time I am giving this presentation, as I gave it about a year ago for the local PHP Meetup …

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