Preparing to Move

Busy Busy

How come it seems like the more stuff you have to do, the less of it that gets done?

I have only 4 rooms here. I was hoping to have the living room all packed up by end of this last weekend. It’s close, but not done. The only major items left in the living room is the computers. Not a big deal I guess. Tonight, I am planning on packing up the bulk of my bedroom. Tomorrow night, the bulk of the Kitchen. The bathroom isn’t a big deal to pack. The computer stuff is going to be a pain. There is just so much of it, and it’s rather fragile. The fishtank and the cats are going to take longer then I am planning – that tank always does.

My plan is to get the UHaul on Wednesday, and start loading it up. Either start driving that night (it would be really nice to be past Atlanta before I stop for the night) or early Thursday morning. I would like to be at my apartment by noon on Friday. That would give me all day Friday and Saturday to unpack. My friends offered to help me unpack on Saturday, I am hoping to not need their help (thanks everyone!).

Oh well, wish me luck.

Restless Feet.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Well, in-case you haven’t heard, I am moving.

I took a new job with a company called Hexagon Metrology. The quick description of what they do is “make robots that measure things”. My job is going to be webmaster for and related websites.

My last day with iMapp was on Friday, the 7th. It was very tough to leave them. They where such wonderful people.

I am moving back north. Not quite to Wisconsin, but close. I will be moving to Elgin Illinois. If you look at the satellite map, going out from Chicago, Elgin is the last town before you get to cornfields. I am hoping to get myself a bit of cornfield by the end of the year. Elgin is also on I90 which means it’s a basically a straight shot to my folks place. 370 miles, I would need to get 25 miles per gallon to make it there on 1 tank of gas. I think this is doable, as I am getting 23 miles per gallon in mixed driving on my 1 hour commute to work for iMapp.

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The last month I have been busy starting to pack, figuring out HOW I am going to move 2 cats and 2 fish tanks 1200 miles in the winter. I am thinking of doing separate blog posts on that.

My current schedule is fly to Elgin for next week. Finish packing, load a UHaul, and move over the Easter Weekend.

Wish me luck!

Home Made Pasta

I have these fancy pasta roller and cutter attachments for my mixer now. I have been holding off to make some fresh pasta, and I finally got a chance to do it.
Here I am mixing up the dough. I decided to try a half wheat dough. I wasn’t sure if I was doing it right, as it’s not the same consistancy as bread dough.
It took a bit of doing, but I finally figured out how to make it roll out into sheets. I don’t know if you are suppose to roll it out a lot or just a little. I did it a lot, as I was playing with a new toy.
My First cut pasta. It all clumped together and stuck and looks like a mess. No worries, the best part of cooking is you can eat your mistakes. Into a pot it went.
Here is my second attempt at cutting pasta. This turned out much better.
All cooked up. It tasted quite well. Break time!
Here is my thinking-on-my-feet pasta drying rack. It looks to be working quite well!
Doesn’t that all look so good? Fresh, home made pasta.
Well, a slight design flaw. The sharp edges of the spoons, the brittle nature of dried pasta, and my making the pasta WAY too long (bigger is always better, right?), means that the pasta breaks at the the bend and falls down. Well the cats LOVED this, and 1/4 of my pasta ended up on the floor!

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bean sprout in sub irrigation planter box

I have been trying to grow herbs in this planter for several months now. Just as the herbs start to sprout, it gets really cold out, and i have to bring them in. Well, the cats just LOVE this new toy and insist on tipping it over and pouring it out.
Well the last time this happened, there where a few stray dried beans on the floor. It appears that at least one of these got swept up and put into the planter with the dirt. The bean sprouted and grew this much today.
Pretty cool eh?

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