Birthday party lunch is a 2 year old's favorites!

My wife made all our daughter's favorites for lunch. Well, except for the sandwiches for the adults. Those where new to her.

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Sandwiches, Mickiebownie and Cheese, cheesy poofs, and goldfishes.

A Minnie Mouse Mac and Cheese. Bows for Minnies bows, and little mickey shaped hot dogs that where cut with a tiny mickey cookie cutter I printed.


Minnie Mouse Birthday Cake

My wife made our daughter a birthday cake. I printed out some chocolate molds for her to use to decorate the cake.

The first real use she's gotten from the 3d printer.

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A short video showing the cake and the molds used to make it.

The finished cake with chocolate ears, bows, dots and mouse decorations.

Printing small bow molds to be used to make mini chocolate bows.

A Big circle chocolate mold. I designed a circle mold creator and published it at

Trying to make curved base for doing chocolate pieces that will match a cake.

mouse and small dot molds.


Micky Mouse Cookies

I printed out a Cookie Cutter I found on Thingiverse for my daughter's 2nd birthday.

We cut the cookies right after they came out of the oven so they had a nice, clean shape.

I now have a gallon bag of cookie crumbs which are delicious!

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A ‘plug’ was made to push the cookies out of the cutter without breaking the ears off.

cooking cookies

cookie cutter printed on my 3d printer.


After a couple of weeks apart, my printer is back together

I took my printer apart to try to figure out why the bed isn't level. The Y rods where sitting crooked. I popped them out, rolled them on the counter-top to make sure they where still straight and put them back together. It's better, but still not perfect. I think the Y rod mounts are maybe stretched and the Y carriage is slightly less than perfect so they compound each other maybe.

I don't really know. I put it back together anyhow.

I tried to un-solder one of the power mosfets as I think I blew it, and that didn't go so well. I lifted the tracings off of the circuit board. I really don't like de-soldering braid.

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The kitchen counter gets cluttered up with kitchen things. Fancy that! Time to move my printer off the counter!

I really buggered up the tracings when I tried to un-solder this mosfet. They fell right off. No Good.

I think I can top solder the mosfet. Tried it at least. I may need a new board soon.

Top dwon shot of a RAMPs 1.4 board that’s assembled.

The Pololu stepper controller boards with the trimmer pots set to the right setting.

The printer still works! A good sign. Now to print my backlog.


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