Minnie Mouse Birthday Cake
Micky Mouse Cookies
I printed out a Cookie Cutter I found on Thingiverse http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6217 for my daughter's 2nd birthday.
We cut the cookies right after they came out of the oven so they had a nice, clean shape.
I now have a gallon bag of cookie crumbs which are delicious!
black is current carraige bits, red is now, yellow is air flow.
After a couple of weeks apart, my printer is back together
I took my printer apart to try to figure out why the bed isn't level. The Y rods where sitting crooked. I popped them out, rolled them on the counter-top to make sure they where still straight and put them back together. It's better, but still not perfect. I think the Y rod mounts are maybe stretched and the Y carriage is slightly less than perfect so they compound each other maybe.
I don't really know. I put it back together anyhow.
I tried to un-solder one of the power mosfets as I think I blew it, and that didn't go so well. I lifted the tracings off of the circuit board. I really don't like de-soldering braid.
The kitchen counter gets cluttered up with kitchen things. Fancy that! Time to move my printer off the counter!