I'd ran out of bookshelf space in the Library (AKA the stupid room due to it's…

I'd ran out of bookshelf space in the Library (AKA the stupid room due to it's small size and 2 doors) a long time ago even though there are 4 book shelves in it, many with my bookshelf risers < http://mike.creuzer.com/?s=bookshelf+riser >. So yesterday I started to make an additional shelf set. This new shelf wraps around the library above the window and doors.

I counted the books on the new shelf. 100 books down the long side, and 55 more on the short side, ignoring the half a dozen hidden in the corner, so the shelf holds 155 paperback books.

Not to bad for a mishmashed set of 3 different shelf brackets that may be as old as I am and leftover wood from making the Pantry < http://mike.creuzer.com/on/kitchen-pantry >

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The short leg on the shelf bracket is too long for what I want to do with it. So I needed to cut it off.

It’s not as simple as just cutting off the end with a tin snips. The ridge, which gives the bracket its strength, needs to be flattened. Here, I marked where I need to flatten the ridge to with a mild blow with my hammer.

You can see that the ridge is flattened out. The metal needs to go somewhere, so it gets all funny shaped.

Easiest way to ‘mark’ the right height is to line it up and snip it off with the tin snips.

These are all cut to size.

A hole needs to be drilled in the flat part of each one.

Cleaning up the burred edges from cutting.

They get a coat of paint to match the walls in the Library.

Testing for height. Looking good. Now to notch the shelf for the window frame.

This corner turned out totally different than I had planned, but I like it. I had some fancy 45 degree angle concept that would wrap the book’s spines around the corner to make it look fancy. This works too.


I let my daughter play with my IMSAI 8080 last night

I think she liked flipping all the switches and seeing all the LED lights change.

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I plugged in my IMSAI 8080 which is a 35 year old computer, and it works (I think). My 1 year old loved playing with it.

These buttons have a really nice click to them when they are flipped.

Flip flip flip goes the little hand…

How many computers now-a-days have a near mirror finish to them?

Look at the intent look on her little face

Hmm… this one is different than the others, what does it do?

I love this photo of my daughter playing with a computer older than I am!

Little hands, little switches…

I think she likes it.


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