A busy week


It’s been a busy week this week. My daughter was born on Tuesday. She’s healthy. More about her coming soon. I ought to be able to write a blog post about that experience soon.

Friends and family have been calling and visiting. A good buddy actually just left and my parents are here too – already in bed. I am the last one up.

My parent’s and I visited the house I am trying to buy. Short sales suck for how long they can take. It’s looking good for the end of the month to move forward. I may be moving come June.

You may have noticed a totally new look for this blog. The migration to wordpress is coming along. I may need to recatagorize some posts as WP has both categories and tags. I used an auto-tagging tool to tag all the previous 500+ blog posts with less the stellar results. So I will need to manually tag high traffic pages soon so the related posts plugin presents better related pages.

I have to work tommorrow. Migrating websites to a new server. Best done on a slow day traffic wise. Sucks to work on a day off, but it keeps me in a job.

I am writing this post on my android phone which is relatively painless. There is an app for WordPress. I miss the live spellcheck, which sucks as I have lousy spelling. I will need to make a point of coming back and editing for spelling tommorrow. I put in a mobile template for the blog that seems to work well.

WordPress Blog

I am now a WordPress blogger! I have been using blogger for the last 4 years and was recently forced to change.

I used the instructions found at this tutorial for a guideline of what needed to be done. http://www.mamablogga.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-migrating-from-blogger-to-wordpress/ It was a bit more challenging then that, as first I had to migrate my blogger FTP blog to a blogger hosted blog before the posts showed up to be imported by WordPress.

I picked WordPress because it’s one of the best alternatives out there and I can write my own plugins for it.

I must say, there is a lot of options here to get my head around. Having very recently become a new father, I haven’t had time to get my head around WordPress.

The other thing I noticed is that almost immediately I picked up spam comments. In two days I’ve already gotten 15 spams on one of my posts. How bizarre is that?

So bear with me as I get the new site up to speed. It will take longer then I had hoped. If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to let me know!

buh-bye Blogger, Hello WordPress!

I am being forced to migrate my website off of blogger as they are discontinuing their FTP publishing which I use to have my twitter tweets show up on my blog.

The blog URL will continue to be mike.creuzer.com, but the site may go away for a short period during this period of time.

You may need to update bookmarks & links to the site. You may also need to re-subscribe to the RSS feed as it is being moved to feedburner.

The first post on the new system will be on my new baby, Bella! So stay tuned!

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