Ok, so I have not posted an update lately, I have been busy. Work and whatnot. Anyway, Eric, a guy from work and I went fishing today. We went to Deerfield Beach. We caught a few fish, nothing of any size, but we had fun, and that is all that counts.The process for catching fish in the ocean, is you catch a small fish, put it on a hook, and use it to catch a bigger fish. Repeat. We caught several of these fish, whatever they are. I think this is probably the smallest one out of this kind for the day.
Eric was fishing for bigger fish, so we kept having to catch these little ones to feed to the big ones. We never did catch one using the live bait.
A pelican was sitting atop of the little shelter out on the end of the peir for most of the day. As we where leaving this one came up and sat on the rail as if laughing at us for quiting early.
Deerfield Beach was having some sort of festival or concert a few blocks from the beach today. The beach wasn’t all that busy.