Well, I haven’t blogged in 2 weeks now. I started my new job. I love it. It is very challenging and rewarding! I went fishing with Eric again this Friday. We didn’t catch anything, had a couple of bites, but it’s just a fishing story if you can’t take pictures.
I scratched my truck. I leaned a couple of fishing poles up against the truck, and when I closed the back, they slid down. I got the paint good. Anybody have any suggestions on how to fix this? I picked up a scuff by the gas cap today when I was at Lowes too. I guess it isn’t new anymore. I have over a thousand miles on it already too! Crazy!
The air and sea show was this weekend. This is the bearest piece of beach I could find.
I like the difference in planes as they got more advanced. I think this photo captures the progression quite nicely.