There are 3 piece types in the game. The Cards, which on one side have the game board pieces, and on the other side have the items used in game play. Then I have a bunch of small dice which are used for the player tokens – multi purpose is good! And Last, I have Zombies, A crazy amount of Zombies.
The part I like about this is that it's a turn based game, but there is potential for players to play during every other players turn as well. The game is also co-opitive, that is to say, your playing with each other and against each other. The game is easier to play together, but you can play it alone, and you can play against the other players.
I am going to play it a couple of more times to see how game play flows and to work out any kinks, and then I may publish it.
I am thinking about making a smart-phone companion app to go with the game to help with scoring and to add extra game play dimensionality.

All the pieces laid out as a ‘town’. I only screwed up one piece. The Grey is roads, the brown are sidewalks and alleys.

Nearing the end of the game, you can see how this town was built out. The stacks of slips of paper are my zombies. The different colored die are the player markers.
I played with 2 of the peeps from work today. Game needs a few tweaks – it's a bit too easy right now.
Some of the rules are a bit clumsy to explain.
I successfully blew up the winning player today – I failed last night. It's pretty cool that you can blow up the game board in this game.
I played with 2 of the peeps from work today. Game needs a few tweaks – it's a bit too easy right now.
Some of the rules are a bit clumsy to explain.
I successfully blew up the winning player today – I failed last night. It's pretty cool that you can blow up the game board in this game.