I wanted to show them the printer and how it could actually be useful.
Granted, 5 minutes in the wood shop would have made something just as functional as opposed to over an hour to print this out.
It took me 4 tries before I got the first layer right. My print bed is dished as I don't have a glass surface yet and I was having a hard time finding a Z enstop location that worked across the print area.
Print Notes
PLA 3mm natural
extrusion 185C 30mm/s parims 60mm/s infill
retraction 1mm 30mm/s
bed 60C
slic3r 0.7 pronterface 0.7e sprinter
It was recommended that I drop my extrusion temp by about 10 degrees and the retraction rate by 10mm/s.
Should've used it to test the CNC head 😉
Should've used it to test the CNC head 😉