New Spark Plugs for Trucklet

The trucklet wouldn’t start. The battery finally gave up I think. I had trouble with it over the 4th of July weekend and am actually surprised it lasted this long.

As long as I was home from work for a day and needed to work on the vehicle, I did some other things to it as well.


It’s 110,000 miles on original sparkplugs. Hey, I got 108,000 on the original tires.

I’d been dreading the sparkplugs since the day I bought the trucklet. The salesman at the dealer looked at me funny when I popped the hood and swore. I have easy access to the front 3 plugs, but the back three I can barely see and can’t touch at all. I got the vehicle anyhow, knowing that one day I’d need to take the top of the engine off to replace the plugs.

The intake manifold needs to come off to replace the plugs
The intake manifold needs to come off to replace the plugs. It’s a dozen bolts and half a dozen hoses and wires. Not to hard, actually.
Tip the manifold back and bungie strap it
Tip the manifold back and bungie strap it. A bit of fuel line can be used to start the plugs so they don’t cross-thread.
All done and put back together. And the best part, it runs!
All done and put back together. And the best part, it runs!
The old plugs look a bit worn.
The old plugs look a bit worn. The color is the same between all of them, which is good.

My neighbor came over and helped with moral support, expensive tools, and sage advice. It probably would have taken twice as long and not been as good of a job without him.

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