I ordered a copy of the POCKET REF 4th edition by Thomas J

Glover. The book truly is a small book. I decided that I needed to make a case for it to keep it nice as I intend to haul it around with me.

A sharp knife, some scrap leather and an hour, and I have a handy little reference that should stay nice for a long time and not need to be recharged!

In album POCKET REF Leather Cover

The finished book cover. I decided not to dye it black. It took me an hour to make, start to finish.

Flipping through my new favorite book! The case opens up so I can take the book out. Should keep the cover nicer, longer.

Well, the book fits, but I think I can do better than this.

The bits and pieces I need for making a cover for my Pocket Ref. A piece of leather out of a ‘scrap leather’ bag from a hobby store, a sharp knife, a cutting mat, Neatsfoot Oil and Dye.

The leather was an assortment grab bag. I was lucky I had a piece that was big enough I could make something work. There was another piece with a color I liked better, but I couldn’t get something I liked cut out of it.

Works this way…

And it works this way…

I used the cutting mat to mark the cut lines. Just slide it along on the edge. Visible marks on the suede side of the leather. I also oiled  the finished side at this point so the oil has a chance to soak in before I dye it.

Measure twice, cut once. Cut isn’t perfectly straight, but it’s good enough for me.

I cut a belt and a belt loop out of the short side fold overs.

The book just sits in this case for safe carrying.

Fold and mark the tie strap locations. The little triangle is from whatever this was to be originally. Alignment marks or something.

Some strips from trimming the edges to fit better are tied on the inside.

A tidy wrap for a tiny book.

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  1. So after reading this post, I checked out the book and ordered 3! One for myself and one for each of my boys as a gift from their dad.

    UPS showed up today with a soaking wet box and they were all soaked. Now I have to wait for new ones.

    It really is a small book.

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