Kittens hiding again.

So, I come home for a short lunch break – we had pizza at the office today, to check on the kittens. The cats are like ‘FEED ME’ – they can see the back of their food hopper. You would think that starvation is eminent, while they have 2 days of food left yet.

Sister had hidden her cats over the night, and it took me a while to find them this morning. I am glad I did, because they where in a bad situation, Sister couldn’t get to them to feed them. I remedied that by removing a shelf. Confused yet? Watch the video!

Let me know if you like this new video format for my blog.

The Run Around

So, I got my DSL modem today from AT&T.

Great. I bring it home and try to install the software. 3 reboots later, it finally actually installs instead of hanging part way through.

So, now I have in installed modem, and no internet connectivity.

I look at the paperwork. It is supposed to be turned on on the 21st. WTF? They charged me $12.95 to 2nd day deliver the modem, just to have me sit on my thumb for 6 days?

I don’t think so.

So I call the support number that came with the modem.
Nice guy answers the phone. Looks up my account. It’s still in process. I need to talk to provisioning.

I can understand this. I am a reasonable person.

So, he gives me a 800 number incase I get disconnected, and transfers me.

OK – a PHONE COMPANY gives you a number in case you get disconnected using their product? Not a good sign.

Anyway. I get a nice gal on the phone. She says that I am not in the right place, and gives me a 3rd phone number to call, and transfers me.

Right, so the computer gives me a 4th number to call, and asks me for the same information I have told the computer twice before, and to the first person. Then, it tells me it’s much to busy for me and to call back at it’s convenience, giving me 10-11am and 1-3pm. Then it hangs up.


Start over. 15 minutes more on the phone, I follow a similar path, to again be told that the computer is too busy for me, call back. CLICK.

OK, so after 6 phone calls (I am nearly as stubbern as a computer), I find the right path to get to the rude computer.

1-888-611-4466, dsl, service.

Computer is too busy for me. Click.

OK, at this point I either want to have somebody tell me they are going to connect my DSL THIS WEEK being that they charged me for 2nd day delivery, or to give a partial shipping refund for a REASONABLE shipping method to match THIER time frame for turning service on.


Not a good first impression AT&T. I am really having 2nd thoughts about getting a iPhone if your service is this shitty.

Eagle Heights Park Tyler Creek Nature Trail

The other week, when I walked to Walmart for the first time, i found a little nature trail. Little is the key word, it’s a block long, and only a few hundred feet wide.

View Larger Map

So, I have wandered the little trail a couple of times now. I have taken a few photos too.

Bullfrog in a stream at Eagle Heights Park Tyler Creek Nature Trail

Mushroom on a log at Eagle Heights Park Tyler Creek Nature Trail Elgin Illinois

Wood Violets  at Eagle Heights Park Tyler Creek Nature Trail Elgin Illinois

Damsel Fly at Eagle Heights Park Tyler Creek Nature Trail Elgin Illinois
Damsel Fly  at Eagle Heights Park Tyler Creek Nature Trail Elgin Illinois

Damsel Fly  at Eagle Heights Park Tyler Creek Nature Trail Elgin Illinois
Damsel Fly  at Eagle Heights Park Tyler Creek Nature Trail Elgin Illinois

Damsel Fly  at Eagle Heights Park Tyler Creek Nature Trail Elgin Illinois

Old Willow Tree  at Eagle Heights Park Tyler Creek Nature Trail Elgin Illinois

Spider  at Eagle Heights Park Tyler Creek Nature Trail Elgin Illinois
Spider at Eagle Heights Park Tyler Creek Nature Trail Elgin Illinois

Mushroom at Eagle Heights Park Tyler Creek Nature Trail Elgin Illinois
Mushroom  at Eagle Heights Park Tyler Creek Nature Trail Elgin Illinois

View of the stream at Eagle Heights Park Tyler Creek Nature Trail Elgin Illinois
View of the stream  at Eagle Heights Park Tyler Creek Nature Trail Elgin Illinois

I walked from the south end to the north end on the way ‘back’ to the entrance. You can see how small this nature trail really is.

I guess I can’t complain, it’s only a mile and a half from my place.

Battle of the Videos Part 2

It’s funny how solutions to problems can come from unexpected sources. I have had a login for Sourceforge for years now. They sent me a survey for the best software for 2008. The survey had a multimedia category. SCORE! So I checked out what’s in the line up.

Media Coder

Talk about exceedingly complex! There are about a trillion option combinations in that software. But, it can trim my HD files down to size, and a test upload to the video websites shows that the aspect ratio is kept! Best off all, it looks like I can save presets and run it against entire folders – batch processing of my videos.

So, without any further ado, here is round two of the video comparisons.

This uploaded video is a down-sampled rip to mp4 of the original 1080p .mov with a new image size of 480X272.


Google Video

Again, let me know which one you like the best!

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