A bike ride

I just went for a bike ride. I hadn’t ridden it since after Hurricane Wilma.

I saw a little park near the house. Taylor Mill Creek Park.

It’s a tiny little park. 2 picnic structures. Some short grassy trails through the woods. The best part looks to be it’s a trailhead to a bike trail along the Fox River. I will have to investigate that next.

All in all, it was a nice little ride.

Photos of the broken trailer

I literally ran the wheels off of the trailer I rented trying to get to Elgin.
Sometime in the middle of the night between Atlanta and Chatanooga, one of the wheels fell off the trailer. Quite a scary thought, as my vehicle (a friend called me on calling it a truck – saying it’s a station wagon on stilts) was on the trailer.

Here you can see what happened. It looks like a lug nut came off. That is the bottom most stud in the photo. The studs on either side where literally pulled in half, and the upper two studs snapped off at the base of the lug nuts.

I had to pick up a new trailer around Nasheville.

Weekend Recap

Last week, Katie saw her first real snow fall. She had only ever seen it snow once, in Texas. It snowed 2-3 inches. She basically spent ALL day outside watching it snow. When I came home, I showed her how to pack snowballs, make a snowman. She liked it. Next day, FLU. Poor thing.

Friday night, I cleaned my truck out. It is trashed. The rocks, dirt, fishpoo, plants, etc. from the fish tank sloshed up on to everything! I spent 2 hours cleaning it. I had a 5 gallon jug of water leak and completely fill the back seats with water. I picked up at least 3 cups of aquarium gravel by hand and vacumned up another 2 cups. What a mess.

Saturday morning, we pile into the VERY SMELLY Escape. I put plastic down on the back seats and blankets so we don’t get wet. Drive to Barraboo WI, and pick up my sister. She wasn’t feeling well either. So now I am off to my parents with 2 very sick women that are likely to heave and improve the smell in my truck.

We arrive at my folks apartment, and walk right in un-announced to my mom. She was SO surprised! We caught up for a while, then wandered off for supper. We went to a resturaunt, and mom walks in first, there is my Aunt’s Laruie and Therese, and some neighbors. She was again surprised! We told stories, ate some cake, and all decided that the chicken was THE BOMB!

I visited the house. So sad. I picked up a book I had given mom for Christmas one year off the floor and broght it back for her. There is just so much stuff that is burned, laying on the floor, etc. It’s overwhelming.

Yesterday, I droped Katie off at the Milwaukee airport. They let her on the plane there. Bummer! I went to dinner at a Thai resteraunt with a friend from collage just north of the airport while Katie was waiting to board. I wasn’t taking any chances with leaving and having to come back to pick her back up at the airport.

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