I am keeping her, you can’t have her!

The saga continues!

8 am Sunday Airplane ticket: $256.80
5 trips to the airport, 210 miles: $30
24 toll booths: $14
Food for airport sitting 18 hours: $26
New clothes, socks, razors, etc because luggage is at destination: $25
Katie still here in Elgin: Priceless

Yep, Katie is still here in Illinios. Florida, I’m keeping her, you can’t have her back! Sorry, I tried. 5 trips to the airport, 2 different tickets, 3 days of fighting with the airline. It’s much easier if she stays here. Really. Trust me.

I dropped her off on Sunday at the airport. She got to the terminal gate at 7:48 for her 8am flight. She was told she couldn’t board the plane (they had given her ticket away it appears). She was put on standby. Long story short, at 7pm, she was told that the next available flight would be the 7pm flight – on Monday. She can’t get her bags back, they flew them to Orlando on the first plane that they wouldn’t let her on. So she secured a paper ticket for this Monday flight, calls me, I go pick her up.

Monday, I drop Katie off extra early. She gets to the gate, and they tell her it will cost another $175 to get on the plane. What????? That’s extortion! On the way to the airport, she found out that she has this week off. Her dad looked new flights up and found out that it’s cheaper to fly out a week later on a new ticket then it is to pay the $175 at the gate. I go pick her up.

Tuesday, her bags are supposed to be back in town. The airline is going to call when they arrive. Yeah, right. She finally gets somebody who has the wherewithal to LOOK and see that her bags had indeed shown up in the morning – this is about 5pm. I go to pick up her bags.

New airline ticket. Did you know that ticket prices can double over night? I eventually found her a ticket. $178. I am tired of dicking around with United Airlines and O’Hare airport. Her flight is a Midwest Express out of Milwaukee. It’s cheaper to drive up there and back then it is to put her on a plane 27 miles away. Obsurd.

The good news is that I get to keep Katie for an extra week. Let me tell you, this is a very good thing. She is MOST helpful! She unpacked my kitchen tuesday, and put stuff away in the cabinets. I came home to a home cooked meal! Last night we moved a bunch of stuff around in the 2nd bedroom/office/den whatever you want to call it so I could set up the 29 gallon fish tank. You can almost walk in there now! LOL

This move has been eventful if anything…

An hour late and a wheel short…

My move is cursed!

Not being able to get my apartment for 2 days because the wheel fell off the trailer, and now this.

Katie is on standby. She is sitting at the airport, watching planes fly away. How frustrating. I just looked online at what flights where still available, and there is1, and they want $1208 for it.

Good thing she has a good book!

Moving Sucks!

I must say, if I knew that moving would be such a terrifying experience, I wouldn’t have even thought about it.

Where to start…

I rented a 16 foot truck and car carrier from Budget. Picked it up, not a problem. With a lot of help from the Peterson’s, I got the truck all loaded. Got my Escape up onto the trailer, and off we went!

Somewhere between Atlanta and Chattanooga, a tire fell off of the trailer. It looks like a lug nut worked itself loose, and the extra strain sheared 2 studs, and off popped the wheel. We didn’t notice when the wheel fell of, only discovered it when we gassed up.

Off the trailer with the Escape. Katie drove that 150 miles untill it was late enough in the morning for businesses to be open. A call into Budget, and they find me a new trailer just south of Nasheville. Off we go.

We get the new trailer, put the Escape back on the trailer. About Kentucky, we find a combination of high winds, bad roads, a semi-truck passing us, and a bit of bad luck. The wind & or the semi gusts us around, this causes the truck and trailer to start to whip back and forth. This gets worse untill I SWEAR we where on two wheels before the truck gets back under control.

I think the cats each used up one of their 9 lives.

No damage done. The Escape stayed put on the trailer. Nobody got hurt. We pulled over, and checked everything over. The inside of my Escape is absolutely TRASHED. The rocks, water, fish-poo, etc. from the fish tank is EVERYWHERE on the inside of my poor truck. The cats where standing splayed-legged like they expected their crates to roll right over.

To make a long story short, we pulled into Elgin at 6 pm tonight. The leasing office closed at 5. They aren’t open tomorrow due to Easter.

I literaly ran the wheels off a trailer to try to get here on time.

I am now sitting in a Day’s Inn with the cats and fish typing this post. I have the room for 2 nights until I can get the keys for my apartment.

I gotta drop Katie off at the airport tomorrow morning about 6am. I best be to bed!

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