I am excited that there is a new RepRap in my neighborhood

Somebody contacted me via http://www.makexyz.com/printer/creuzerm and asked to have some parts printed. My prices where stupid high, so I gave him a 'fellow maker' discount and dropped my listed prices down, closer to reality – still high though. I don't want to print other peoples parts every day.

We where a bit surprised with the site's markup. Worked out to be 55%! Not sure if I was near a minimum value which gets a higher rate, because of the steep discount different from the auto-quote, or what. I couldn't find rates on the website.

I can't seem to find some of the notification features listed on the site description, like part finished, part shipped, etc. Otherwise, so far, the site works well for both of us. Able to move files back and forth, easy invoicing.

I consider my prints 'good' but not great, as I have some Z wobble isolater issues and a bit of dimensional squeezing. He said that my parts are much better than those on his used machine he acquired. I am a bit that concerned people are passing off very rough, badly worn, used machines. Doesn't make for a good impression on the hobby.

Excited that my printer made parts for another printer. 

In album 2013-07-17

A stack exchange site for hobbiest level destop manufacturing

Lets make it happen!

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Fabrication & Manufacturing – Area 51 – Stack Exchange
Proposed Q&A site for people interested in fabricating or manufacturing physical things. Including 3D printing & scanning, CNC milling or cutting machines, CAD/CAM software and how we can share ideas between industry and the maker & hackerspace communities.

Anybody have any thoughts on displaying stereoscopic images on their blog? It seems…

Anybody have any thoughts on displaying stereoscopic images on their blog? It seems like most people who aren't into this format, really dislike it.

I am starting to work out ways I can have my blog display images in a few various methods that are more palatable to the 'mere mortals'.

So far I've cobbled together a pair of  HTML5 Canvas Javascript examples for 'wiggle' and to correct the right/left reversing of .jps images for cross-eyed viewing.

Is there any resources that I've not found which will allow me to not reinvent the wheel?

camera | Creuzer
Category Archives: camera. Playing with Stereoscopic images again – Correcting side-by-side display. Fiddling around with my 3d photos again… This time I wanted to ‘correct’ the images so they display right for cross-eyed viewing. Files saved in the .jps format are store in left than right order …

Playing with Stereoscopic images again – Correcting side-by-side display.

Fiddling around with my 3d photos again… This time I wanted to ‘correct’ the images so they display right for cross-eyed viewing.

Files saved in the .jps format are store in left than right order.

In order to look at images cross-eyed without inducing instant headaches, they need be in right photo than left photo order (swapped).

So, I am playing with HTML5 Canvas again to see if I can re-work the image so it’s correct for display on my blog.

What I am doing here is grabbing only half the image frame initially. When you click on it, it will re-display the image with the two halves swapped. I am also adding helper-dots for good measure.

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