Isabella Grace Creuzer was born on April 20th 2010 at 2:22 a.m. She weighed in at 8lbs 3oz. and was 21 and one half inches long/tall. Her mother was in labor for a little over 6 hours with no pain medications at Sherman Hospital in Elgin, IL.
Category Archives: babies
A busy week
It’s been a busy week this week. My daughter was born on Tuesday. She’s healthy. More about her coming soon. I ought to be able to write a blog post about that experience soon. Friends and family have been calling and visiting. A good buddy actually just left and my parents are here too – …
I made a baby!
Most of you should know by now that my wife and I are expecting. This is one of those things that is so exciting that I wasn’t sure how to blog about it. I had thought about putting up a help wanted post and then a followup post stating ‘job filled’ & announce the baby. …