So here is the last photo in the first half of this series. Just look at those blue eyes! If she’s not the cutest baby ever, she’s at least gotta be in the running. One would think such an adorable baby would make the photographer’s job easy, but you need some mad skillz to crawl …
Category Archives: Bella
Bella’s Cute of the week, #3, week 4
Oops, I missed a week! I like this photo so much, you needed a week off to precover (pre-recover, get it) for this dose of cuteness. This is my favorite of the set I think. Check out the photographer’s other work on his facebook page..
Bella’s Cute of the week #2
Today brings the second photo in the two month series of photos taken by Photography studio on location at my house. .
Isabella at 1 year old – the weekly uber-cute
Starting today, every week for 2 months, I shall post a photo of Bella. Why? Because Thursdays are good, and so are these photos! This photo was taking by a friend of mine, Isiah. You can see his work on his facebook page.