I'm playing with Dragon NaturallySpeaking which I got for my birthday and I needed…

I'm playing with Dragon NaturallySpeaking which I got for my birthday and I needed to get the new computer in order to use. So far it's pretty cool.I just imported my blog into it so it knows all the weird words I say. I'm actually dictating this post. I guess it's easier than typing. It …

Work picked up two tablets so we can dev against them

We got a 16gig iPad and a Motorola Xoom (Android). The first day I had access to them I whipped up a quick web page that took your name and company. My lappy is the server and I have a label printer plugged in. Using the tablets, we can now print out name badges instantly. …

Android phone quite updating… again… Fixed!

My 2nd Samsung Moment Android Phone quit updating the android apps in the market again. I click update, and it says “Download Failed” or was it “Installation Unsuccessful”? I can’t remember, one of the two. I hadn’t seen this on the ‘new’ phone, which is an ebay replacement of my original which had a worn …

Elgin Technology Center Tour

Today I went on a tour of the Elgin Technology Center with some of the people from Fox Valley Computing Professionals. One of the guys I went with took some video. I thought it was funny that he makes it look so… I don’t know what the word is. elgin techology center from Eric Michalsen …

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