I got a little stir crazy today. I have been working pretty hard on a website for a friend and my legs got all itchy for a walk. I decided to go east, well as far as I can walk. I checked the weather before I left, figured that I probably had about 30-40 minutes before some “red” was going to be here. Off I went.
I had walked to the beach once, but that was a LONG trip as I had gone all the way down to Beach Place. I wanted to see if I had easy beach access at the end of Oakland Park Blvd. Guess what, I do! There is an itty bitty little park, just big enough for a person to be sleeping on the only park bench. They probably just had city property for the road going all the way in into the ocean, and made a park out of the last 50 feet.
There where a couple of kids wake boarding. One guy was fussing with a metal detector. A few people where off swimming. Nothing too exciting. I wandered a ways to the south until I noticed that the rain had crossed the beach and was obscuring a building. I turned around and started home.
Wouldn’t you know it, I made it almost all the way home and it started to rain. I was less then 1/6th of a mile from my door when it started to poor. I stopped under a tree and waited 10 or 15 minutes untill it was dripping more from the tree then it was raining. By this time the rain had slowed to a sprinkle. I got about half way and it started to poor again. Oh well, so much from trying to not get soaked to the skin. At least the rain was warm. I don’t mind getting wet, it’s the going into the AC afterwards that bothers me.