But now it moves right, with just a single config setting change in slic3r. Set the print center to 0,0 and not 100,100 like I do on my Cartesian printer.
So, now I get to re-wire the printer, as the printer has grown a foot taller over the last year. The existing wires are now too short.
Then, I get to make it print!

The extruder motor doesn’t move near as much as the effector does. I hope this will allow me to get better prints than if I had a long bowden tube or a heavy effector.

I was SO happy I got it to move right, that I just HAD to mount the extruder right away. With the printer running. I was THAT excited about it moving correctly that I didn’t even stop the test-print.

Looking down a pillar. I was hoping to see the carriage move up and down more and that the belt & spectra hybrid drive works well. But, this is what is shown. Instead, this shows that the extruder motor moves very little in relation to the effector.
yes … solid discovery, awesome on extending the print range, please share some videos once you're printing mike !
+Jerry Rodberg Would you venture to do a back of the envelope calculation as to whether it's better to suspend the motor up like this vs hanging that mass on the effector proper?
I can get you weights & distances if you want.
Just looking for a "you should be able to move 25% faster this way" type of calculation.
I'd say its better. Ignoring torques from turning that motor (pretty minor) your motor center of gravity moves significantly less up above, so your force to move it will be significantly less than on the fully articulated head. I'll have to dig up the math later.
That's a fair amount of frame flex in that, though.
My intuition tells me it's pretty good. I don't have the math to support it though.
I think a lot of the "flex" is image stabilization artifacts. although this isn't a stiff system, which is why they quickly iterated past it.
Cool stuff! This is similar to the kind of delta that I'm starting to piece together.. It's really exciting to see the success that others are having. 🙂
These GIFs make it look like the frame is flexing. That's an illusion right?
Congratulations ! It was my birthday yesterday and i just ordered some things to improve my reverse delta again and again. Very happy for you.
+Matthew Satterlee Yes, the 'flex' is an artifact of the image stabilization used to make the animated gif.