I found a basic tutorial over at this blog that shows how to use AJAX – well actually AHAH which is a simpler piece of ajax to load in comments from the individual post page into the main page.
The whole process is pretty neat, while the end result just makes the blog seem to work much nicer. If you want to look at the comments on one of the main pages, it just kinda works now instead of going to that “add a comment” page to view a comment. That seemed kinda broken to me.
I tested it with Firefox 2, IE 7 and Opera 8(?) which is on my Nokia 770. Let me know if the comments aren’t pulled in for you.
There are a couple of changes you need to make that I didn’t see mentioned in the instructions, one is adding a pair of named <div> tags for the comments and backlinks to be placed into, the other is to change the javascript to use YOUR blogger blog ID.