Oops, I missed a week! I like this photo so much, you needed a week off to precover (pre-recover, get it) for this dose of cuteness. This is my favorite of the set I think. Check out the photographer’s other work on his facebook page..
Tag Archives: width
Isabella at 1 year old – the weekly uber-cute
Starting today, every week for 2 months, I shall post a photo of Bella. Why? Because Thursdays are good, and so are these photos! This photo was taking by a friend of mine, Isiah. You can see his work on his facebook page.
Blacksmith forge from gas grill and recycled bricks
I made a natural lump charcoal forge tonight out of an old gas grill. I lined it with recycled bricks. The blower is a leaf blower. Thus begins my journey into the world of blacksmithing. Yet another hobby for me! .
Rain Garden, Hugelkulture & Terra Petra garden mashup
Today I dug up a bit of my front yard to build a rain garden of sorts. There looks to be a drainage gully leading from the front of the house to the street. I dug a dike 1 lawn mower width from the corner of my driveway and sidewalk. Gotta make the chores as …
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Elgin Technology Center Tour
Today I went on a tour of the Elgin Technology Center with some of the people from Fox Valley Computing Professionals. One of the guys I went with took some video. I thought it was funny that he makes it look so… I don’t know what the word is. elgin techology center from Eric Michalsen …