Both halves of the Kayak side by side

 I laid out all the pieces on the ground so I knew where the longer and short stringers went together. I was really confused for a moment, because I was short a stringer, and then I remembered, I had broken one. So I cut a new stringer to size. I tried assembling all the little wooden …

Cutting the 4inch bar stock in half.

 I need to cut this in half lengthwise. I am not really happy with how I ended up doing it. It worked, but It didn’t feel safe. I think that for the money, I am just going to buy a bit of 1″ flat stock and not worry about my fingers.  Doesn’t this look like …

Assembling the pieces for the second half of the Kayak

 I figured out that if I stack the stringers and braces up to 4 tall, add my hole template, and a back board, I can drill my holes straighter. I think it is because I am taking more time to make sure I get the holes straight. I am also aiming for the bottom piece, …

The extra holes are to cut weight, right?

 I got half of the frame assembled tonight. It was getting dark, and I was trying to hurry, and I couldn’t figure out why this thing wasn’t folding very well. I put it down, and the problem jumped right out at me. I drilled one of the aluminum braces incorrectly. I was trying to get this …

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