I ended up with 2 kittens yesterday. I came home, and they attacked. Actually, they were sleeping in one of my moving boxes and I had to look for them for a while before I woke one up. Katie found this brother and sister through work. A gal had asked her to feed them for the night, and then tried to give them to her… successfully. Katie SMSed me, asking if I wanted them, because I had half-jokenly said I wanted a mean old barn cat called One-eyed-Jack (even if he had both eyes) to keep the critters out of my apartment. She offered to clean the litter box, I said SOLD!
Now, what to name them? The male is the orange one, and the female is the darker one. She has 6 toes on each foot in front. My first choices are Deeohgie and Ceaytie, but Katie vetoed them immediatly like they where her cats. She insists that they are mine, but the female a little less so. My Second Choise was to call them the Kellers, Roche and Ratte, but again, shot down. For now they are called dip-shit and shit-head.
So, I am opening up a kitty naming contest. The winner gets… a gracious thank you on my blog and maybe a Christmas card from their namelings.
I have to finish unpacking and kitten proofing the place. They are going to tear my stuff up! Oh well. It will be fun!