I made myself sick on accident from ABS fumes. I had set up a 120CFM computer case fan to blow the fumes out the window through a cardboard tube. I had changed my fan from 12v to 5v trying to stabilize the PSU voltage and shut that noisy fan up!
This backfired. As it now didn't vent enough and allowed ABS fumes to accumulate in the house.
So I made a better extractor that uses multiple fans running at 5v. This works quite well. I may re-make it yet, but time will tell.
I am really hoping that the two pieces on the right are the same size. If I did my math right, the are.
I like how this is turning out! The left 2 are the same size and the right one is 3 inches shorter than the other two.
Fans go in the taller, narrower end and the far side, the short wide end gets jammed into the window.
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