Chirstmas 2008 photos uploaded

I uploaded some of the photos from Christmas this year. Feel free to click over, and comment away on the photos!

Now for some lousy videos.

Katie and I came across this semi truck in the ditch backwards. They needed a bobcat to dig it out. You can see the skid arc in the road where the trailer swung around. That had to be a ride.

Katie was pulling Ang on a sled we borrowed from a neighbor. Isn’t that backwards? Isn’t the big sister supposed to pull the little sister in the sled?

Katie driving Ang around on the 4 wheeler. She about ran me over!

Brian driving Ang around on the 4wheeler. Too funny. Everybody working for Ang.

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2009 New Years Resolutions

Make your New Year’s resolutions yet?

I have a few resolutions this year. I am hoping that by putting these out in the open, I will embarrass myself into actually succeeding in them. None of this fluff stuff, like going to the gym, it’s stuff that I am really wanting to do, are already doing to some extent and want to continue to do.

In no particular order:
  • Get Married.
  • Survive first fight with new wife.
  • Buy house or get myself into a position where I can buy a house in the first quarter of 2010.
  • Pay off Discover Card.
  • Get vehicle for Katie whether it’s a new used one for her, or the Escape for her and a new wreck for me.
  • Grow some of my own food – ether in my little planter shelf set in the apartment or in a real garden.
  • Keep on blogging.
  • Get this video thing figured out so I can both take videos and edit them so I don’t make my viewers motion sick.
  • Send out Christmas cards to friends and family.
  • Visit the new family during Feast.
  • Give birthday presents to all the new Nieces and Nephews I will be getting when I get married.
  • Visit my folks once a month.
  • Change a tire for a stranger – the last couple of years, they keep turning me down. 
  • Create a new website for myself.
  • Pay my bills on time. It’s amazing how retarded I am about this. The money is in the bank, but I just don’t get it done!
  • Call my mom on her birthday.
  • Explore the Burmidge Forest Park that is just 2 miles from my apartment.
  • Go camping. At least twice.
  • Go somewhere I haven’t been with Katie.
  • Take Katie somewhere she hasn’t been that I have.
  • Get a Digital SLR camera.
  • Make something from scratch that I can use regularly with the sewing machine.
  • Finish the PakYak. Maybe build one that will fit me.
  • Learn how to use a chainsaw.
  • Help dad get a years worth of wood put up at the new house.
  • Go fishing
  • Go Hunting
  • Get 110 gallon tank running in some fashion
  • Get TV tank up and running again.
  • Visit friends that are out of state.
  • get some canning gear and learn how to can food.

I think that’s a pretty good list. I am going to have 365 days to do it all in. That means ticking one item off the list every 12 days or so. I guess I had better dive into this here list.
Do you have any of the same resolutions? Any suggestions?

Engagement Photo Slide Show

I uploaded a bunch of photos tonight. Katie loves photos, so online they go!

We worked on our invitations a bit while at my parents. We have the rough idea worked out. Now to find the right papers, and put it all together.

If It’s not likely that either of us has your address, please send it so we can get you an inviation!

She said Yes!

So, as many of you may know, Katie and I have been planning a wedding since Thanksgiving.

Due to that whole geography thing, I couldn’t properly propose to her. I had found the perfect ring and everything!

Well, Katie’s Awesome Sister and Perfect Brother in law called last Thursday. They where going to go on a road trip, and invited Katie along. Well, how most half formed plans do, they changed. A Lot! Long story short, Katie, Angie, and Brian ended up at my place on Sunday morning.

Rental car, 20 hours of driving, lots of coffee, and a bit of sneakery too.

You see, Katie was told that her ring wasn’t finished. Which is true, it’s not. But that didn’t stop her family from stepping up to the plate, and shuffling the ring through nearly half a dozen family members to get the ring sized and delivered to me on the car ride up. Unbeknown to Katie.

On Tuesday, in the middle of a snow covered field, in near blizzard conditions, I hit one knee and popped the question. She was quite surprised when I produced the ring!

Now, Katie has her ring 3 months before the wedding, and not 3 days before the wedding. She will have to relinquish it for a few hours/days to be finished before the wedding. But, I think if she is nice, the jeweler will allow her to watch, or maybe even help, so it never has to leave her sight.

Well, during all of this, I kinda sorta failed to mention that Katie was in town to my Mom. When I show up at my parent’s place on Christmas Eve, let me tell you, mother was quite excited! In trying to keep Katie being in town a surprise for my mom, I couldn’t blog the big news. So, I am finally getting to it this morning.

I give my sincerest thanks to my future family make all of this work out!

Well, you all should know by now how much I love photos – I love taking them about as much as Katie likes looking at them. So, here are some photos.

Katie Peterson
A photo of Katie, just because I know how much she loves photos of her, and that I can get away with it this once!

Katie and I in front of my parent's fireplace
Katie and I in front of my parent’s fireplace.

Katie's Engagement Ring
Katie’s ring.

Katie's Ring
And because, she just can’t stop looking at it. Her ring again.

Rerouting the dryer exhaust into the room.

I rerouted the dryer exhaust into my bedroom so that when I dry my clothes, I don’t blow all that expensive heat out the side of the building.

I put up that window film last night, and am trying to keep the apartment as energy efficient as a 30 year old building who’s owners don’t give a rats ass about heating and cooling costs can be.

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