Fish tanks

I realized tonight, that I hadn’t shown recent photos of my fish tanks.
A buddy of mine gave me a 75 gallon tank. I cleaned it up a bit, got the water spots and salt stains off of it. I have 1 Jack Dempsy in it. The other one I got with the tank lasted about a week, died when I was in Florida sometime. It was on borrowed time, as my friend figured it wouldn’t have made this last Christmas, much less this far into this year.

The big tank is in the living room. It kinda dominates the room, but not too much so I hope. It’s used as a resting place for some decorations. Looks pretty good, to me.

I actually bought some fish recently. I Pleco, 3 Kuhli loaches, and a dozen ghost shrimp. The pleco looks happy as a clam, with that big piece of driftwood. The Kuhlis are contantly free-swimming about the tank. Pretty rare, to have them swimming around like that. They are even starting to eat from the surface.
A close up of 2 of my kulis. I love this little buggers for some reason. Way too snake like, but so much fun just the same.

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Making a FIFO canned food storage auto-rotating shelving rack.

Yesterday I made a shelf for some canned food. I have been eyeballing the soda in the beverage gliders at the local convenience store. After talking to the manager a few times, he said he would see if he could get some for me. Yesterday, we stopped in, and SCORE! He had half a dozen.

So, I started making the canned goods slider.

Plexiglass and straightedge
Brother supervising my cutting of the acrylic sheeting

I started with an old piece of plexi I had left over from my college days. It used to be the top to a home-made desk. I used it because it’s nice and thick.

Rough layout of the DIY food shelf rack
Trying to fit the shelves into the space that works well with the size of the plexi

Here I am trying to figure out what angle they need to be to work correctly.

initial testing the food shelf roller rack
The first try was a failure

I tried it out. Dismal failure. Not only did the tape let go – silly me for using painters tape, but the angles and heights where all wrong.

Assembled Can Roller Rack
layed out can roller rack

Here I have it set up with the right angles and heights. There needs to be a good angle with plenty of distance between the two so you an slip the can in back, and be able to pull it out up front.

riveted the parts together
See the rivet sticking out? The plastic riveted together well.

I riveted the whole thing together. The rivets have a nice, smooth head that doesn’t stick out very far. Bolts, screws, etc. would have given me fits to go through the sides like this. I would have needed to bolt up hardware on the bottom.

One side riveted on. The other side will keep the cans from wanting to fall out.

One side done! Lots of rivets. You see that it holds the cans up, but without the other side, it wants to tip out.

marking drill lines so the holes line up well
Neatness counts

Marking out the drill holes for the other side. It doesn’t need to be perfect, but lining up all the holes makes it look better.

Finished home made canned good rotation shelf
Load it in back, pull from the front. Sweetness!

Here it is all done. I zip-tied it to my metal shelf that hold the rest of my canned food.

I really like whole thing. It cleared up a lot of space on my shelving. It allows me to automatically rotate my canned food so it doesn’t expire before I get to eating it.

Spring Flowers

The weekend Katie and I got back from the wedding, Katie wanted some time to herself so she could unpack un-hindered by my help. This worked out great, as there was a Local Primitive Skills meetup covering forageing for wild edibles.
We wandered around the woods, looking for stuff that is good to eat. It was a bit early, but I had my camera with, so I got some early spring flowers.

I haven’t a clue what ANY of these are, so if you know, pass the knowlege along!

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Siding the new garage at my Parent’s place

My parents built a garage for their cars at the new house. Here, Dad is showing me how to hang siding.
Dad and I siding the garage for the cars.
When the ladders got too short for Dad to reach up, it was just me. I would measure and hang the siding. He would cut it.
The last piece for the front of the garage.

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