I am kicking around an idea for a cell phone based water sample spectrometer

It would be used for testing the water in my aquaponics system. I am not sure that the stuff I want to test is even detectable with the hardware I am going to use, but working out the mechanics is what’s challenging for me at the moment. The genisis for this idea is at http://www.backyardaquaponics.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=11840&start=150#p345100

The process is to use the LED flash of a smartphone camera, a bit of a CDr or DVDr as a diffraction gradient, the camera, and the processing power on the phone. You measure distilled water, and then the sample and compare the two to see the differences.

The drawings are a quick render of the OpenScad file. The half-circle is a pivot that will hold the diffraction gradient so I can play with angles. I also need to add a spot for the test tube somewhere along the thin light slot.

The whole thing will be parametric, and customizable to any given smart phone.

Well, this is the plan. I am going to sleep on it a night, see what I dream up on it, and maybe send it to my printer tomorrow.

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