I was thinking that it being a packable coat, it would make a good sleep coat.
Today I decided to put it through its paces while shoveling Chicago's 8 inches of snow. I put on a long sleeve polyester shirt i got on clearance for $5 this spring. Essentially an under armour knock off and delightfully ugly. My insulated pants, bomber hat, some good gloves and my hiking shoes I wear every day with some freshly patched wool blend socks.
4 to 6:30. Shoveled out my driveway. Then I spent half an hour standing under the hood of a car futzing with a battery cable. Then after dark I fired up the grill for some steaks and cleared the deck while the temps dropped down to 7 degrees.
Near the end I was no longer warm, standing around waiting on the steaks. Not cold, but not warm – about the same feeling as a tshirt in my basement.
I am actually amazed by how well it worked. I dressed lightly knowing all that snow was going to be work. I paced myself so I wouldn't sweat up bad, but did a little. I expected to freeze while wrenching on the car. I didn't. The gloves are good, warm hands even though the wrenches would freeze to them. Standing out in the wind in a foot of snow, still not cold.
Seven Degrees.
It's amazing what the right combination of light weight gear can do.
I remember as a kid bundling up in layers and layers and still getting cold.

This is my ‘ugly’ shirt. I’ve several different prints. The pants are my FAVORITE pair. Insulated. My folks gave them to me. They are starting to get holes in them. Time to patch them. I am thinking leather patches. In the shape of leaves.
The little one was outside with me, making sure I was piling the snow up right.
Hello Mike I saw that as well if I rember it said something like 90 percent down and 10 percent feathers I was like what lol. I went back to possibly get the coat but they where gone.
That's what it says. I've only had one try to poke out so far.
Sucks you couldn't snag one. I really like mine.
I have went to 4 different ones looking for them no go .
I've not seen one since. 3 different stores.
Just like them show something good and cheep and then boom gone . I had some gray starter socks that have the cool max stuff I got from there I liked them so much I have been useing them for several years but the last time I went to get more they don't have them any more. So bummed they where great hikeing socks I liked them better than my 25 dollar smart wool ones .
I got a LOT of Menards (A midwest hardware store like Lowes or Home Depot) Wool blend socks 2 pair for a buck. Spring clearances. I bought $10 every spring for several years. It appears that they no longer carry them. Those where good socks for the price.
I've taken to darning them as the heels fail.
I have been trying to find something else that I like with no success so far. I always keep an eye out on Craigslist for gear but now days if its not lighter than what I have not getting it. The thing is to get lighter than what I have is going to be expensive. About the only thing I can change is go to a Cuban tent and a down quilt like z packs quilt or enlightened equipment. Or a tent like the terra Nova cuban fiber ones. All big bucks and a lighter pack cuban