Exploring the weights of the gear I used last week in the back yard

I measured the weights after I packed it all up and am about to shove it into a backpack for storage. So the weights are of everything I used, and a little bit more in the case of the shelter 'kit'. I am not counting the weight of the shovel & long rope I ended …

Essential Oils set I want

A friend of mine has recently ‘gotten into’ essential oils. Like anything, if you are going to be an addict, you just as well be a dealer. She created living-essence.us so go check it out! EOs are an extension of herbalism, which I’ve been studying in the last couple of years. This means, she’s sucking me down …

Bella printed a missing part for one of her toys.

I got a text today saying Bella needed a part for one of her toys printed. This got me pretty excited. My 3 year old is developing problem solving skills. It’s not that Dad will fix it, but what tools he will use too. So we decided to make a new part for her toy. …

A message from my wife about a discussion with our 3 year old

Bella is missing a piece from one of her toys and when I told her it wouldn't work now she "that's ok we can just tell daddy to print another one!" People keep saying 3d printers will revolutionize the world. They are right, just not in the HOW. The children growing up with desktop manufacturing …

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