I managed to get bugzilla installed and to work, but it was an all-day affair. It appears other people had problems as well. So I am documenting what I needed to do to make it work in the hopes that it’s useful to other people and potentially myself in the future.
- Plesk 10.4.4
- CentOS release 5.6 (Final)
- Bugzilla 4.2.3
- Site is a subdomain created in Plesk & given cgi-bin permissions
Issue 1
Raw code displayed on screen.
Creating a .htaccess file and adding the following to it resolved this issue.
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi Options +ExecCGI DirectoryIndex index.cgi
However, that created a new problem.
Issue 2
500 Internal Server Error
This problem is a bit more difficult to track down. For me, it turned out to be a suexec issue.
After much google-fu I found http://simon.hu.free.fr/?p=215 which allowed me to fix the problem.
Looking at /etc/httpd/logs/suexec.log I see stuff like:
[2012-10-24 17:25:29]: uid: (10023/domain) gid: (2452/2452) cmd: index.cgi [2012-10-24 17:25:29]: target uid/gid (10023/2452 or 2451) mismatch with directory (10023/2452) or program (10023/2451)
I did the suggested:
cp -arf /usr/local/psa/suexec/psa-suexec /usr/sbin/suexec
which may or may not have been necessary. I was still seeing ‘Premature end of script headers:‘ in the apache/php error log.
The following tidbit turned out to be the final fix.
The script itself must be owned by domain FTP user but group must be ‘psacln’:
Making the files have the right ownership & group got everything working correctly.
chown -R ftpusername:psacln ./*