I went to a Dave Mathiews concert on Saturday. A friend of a friend had an extra lawn seat ticket, so $40 later, I had something to do yesterday. We did the tailgating thing, getting up to West Palm Beach around 3 for the 7 oclock show. It was increadiably hot out, so we needed to bring a tent. One of the couples that drove down for the Saturday show (it was a 2 night show, Friday and Saturday) brought the tent so we had some shade. I guess Friday was unbearable without any shade.
John Downs drove his 100th Anneversary Harley Davidson up to the tailgate party.
There where 18 or 20 of us total driving in from all over the state as well as 1 couple who came all the way from Aruba just for the show.
We broke the party down around 6 oclock with a few people going in early to set up the blankets so we all had a space to sit together.
The concert was pretty good. I am not all that big of a Dave fan, only really likeing his hits. I am not sure that it would have been worth the money I spent if it wasn’t for the tailgating.